
Zika case found in Broward County, Gov. Rick Scott says

“The most important thing”, said Jayme Souza-Neto, a researcher at Sao Paulo State University who studies interactions between viruses and mosquitoes, is to “try to prevent mosquitoes from reaching adulthood”. And with 7,138 suspected cases of Zika nationwide, the mayors of San Salvador and surrounding suburbs have also voiced interest in the project.


It was not immediately clear if Broward or any other counties would be added to the health emergency declaration.

The current Zika epidemic is on track to cause millions of infections in Latin America and the Caribbean, but no transmission was reported in the United States until the Dallas case this week.

Brigina Kemp, a top health official in the Brazilian city of Campinas, told The Associated Press that a gunshot victim and a transplant patient each tested positive for Zika after receiving blood transfusions from different donors. Officials know of nine cases in Florida, but say all of them were contracted outside the U.S.

“It’s probably uncommon, but we can’t say for sure [that Zika is being trasmitted through sex]”, said Dr Peter Hotez, of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.

The mosquito-borne virus is being blamed for causing brain and head defects in newborn babies.

The link isn’t proven, but officials are concerned. “We are prepared, that there is no reason to panic”. Severe disease requiring hospitalization is uncommon.

Thursday morning, county crews were suited up and armed with packs of pesticides to exterminate as many mosquitoes as possible. However, there is also some evidence that points to the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, as being able to carry and transmit the virus, which is worrying due to the fact that this particular species has a range that covers at least 32 states in the U.S.

“(They should be) wearing some long sleeves, covering legs and arms, in addition to staying in air conditioned rooms, staying away from heated outdoor environments, where they can be at risk for mosquito bites”, he said.

Under a program developed in 2012 by community health worker Marielos Sosa to combat dengue, small fry fish are introduced into the barrels or tanks in which families store potable water. DOH has received numerous inquiries from asymptomatic, pregnant women and their healthcare providers and has determined that this expansion of testing will provide pregnant women and their doctors with the valuable information they need to make the best healthcare decisions. “Can it happen here?”

Can I catch it from another person?

Governor Scott asked the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to reconsider funding for mosquito control. The most common symptoms of Zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). “We are ready”, said Dr. Salih Yasim, director of obstetrics and patient safety at Jackson Memorial Hospital.


That prompted calls for pregnant women to avoid travel to areas where Zika is spreading. They advise those who may be infected to go to their general practitioner first before going to the emergency room.

French Caribbean facing Zika epidemic, taking extra measures