
ABC News Announces New Hampshire Republican Debate Candidate Lineup

ABC News has announced the lineup for Saturday night’s Republican presidential debate – and Carly Fiorina is not on it. Lastly, the qualified candidates must be placed among the top six in an average of national GOP presidential polls recognized by the ABC News.


“To review, we beat Governors Christie and Kasich in Iowa this week when voters actually had their say”.

Mrs. Fiorina has petitioned the Republican National Committee to force her onto the debate stage, noting among other things that she finished ahead of Mr. Kasich and Mr. Christie in Iowa.

The debate in Manchester, NH on ABC is just three days before the state’s primary. “Networks are making up these debate rules as they go along - not to be able to fit candidates on the stage - but arbitrarily to decide which candidates make for the best TV in their opinion”. She got more Iowa votes than John and Chris.

This seemingly unfair situation has prompted a number of high profile Republicans, like New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, to come to Fiorina’s defense. In New Hampshire, she trails everyone but Carson.

“Our debate process is broken”, Fiorina said in her letter to the RNC.

In the MSNBC interview, Fiorina said she wasn’t.

By Thursday afternoon, more Republicans jumped on the “Let Fiorina Debate” bandwagon, including former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.


Fiorina thanked the Republicans expressing support for her on Twitter Thursday and continued to call for the RNC and ABC News to change their criteria. She wrote the RNC on Wednesday demanding to be included in Saturday’s contest. I will not. There are only 8 candidates left.

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