
Trump on Cruz: ‘They’re going to sue his ass up’

Since his impressive showing in Iowa, University of MA and 7News polls have shown Rubio increase from 8 points to 10 points, boosting him from fifth to third place among GOP candidates. Marco Rubio. The poll found that nationally, Trump’s support has fallen to 25 percent, while Cruz and Rubio are tied with 21 percent each.


Mr Pate said Mr Cruz’s mailers “misrepresent Iowa election law” and that they were “not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses”, but he stopped short of any official action. Trump also led polls in Iowa leading up to the caucuses.

Trump jumped on the news that Cruz staffers told voters Carson was quitting the race when Carson announced instead of New Hampshire he would return to Florida for clean clothes.

“Cruz is doing his best to consolidate that [libertarian] vote”, Scala said.

However, John H Sununu, the former governor of New Hampshire, felt Trump is going to face a serious challenge, another NYT report said. “You know the crowds I’ve been getting up there”.

Candidates are also looking ahead to the more diverse SC, which holds the first primary in the South later this month.

“The press is reporting that Dr. Ben Carson is taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week”, the Cruz email read, according to CNN.

“I think some people were disappointed that I didn’t go into the debate”, he was quoted as saying by Fox News.

“Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified”, Trump tweeted.

For all the talk about Cruz and Trump, Marco Rubio is the bookies’ favourite to get the Republican nomination.

The UMass-Lowell tracking poll, sponsored by local news station WHDH, was carried out from February 1-3 by live telephone interviews.

When asked to pick among all the Republicans still running for president, Trump hangs on to the lead with 25 percent.

“We need a commander in chief, not a twitterer in chief”, said the Iowa victor.


Carson thinks this dirty political trick cost him votes.

Dan Patrick on Ted Cruz: 'He Was the Best Candidate'