
Ted Cruz ad highlights Carter’s Trump ‘endorsement’

On the other hand, Ted Cruz is not malleable.


By comparison, Carter thinks Cruz “has far right-wing policies, in my opinion, that would be pursued aggressively if and when he would become president”.

Cruz pivoted to how substance-free Trump wants the campaign to be, but when asked about the specific “cheater” accusations, he said, “Donald Trump’s insults get more and more hysterical the more and more upset he gets”.

FYI, those of us who aren’t opposed to everything Trump says but still can’t get behind him are generally unwilling to do so precisely because of his “malleability”.

Trump responded to the knock after an event Thursday.

“I don’t have tantrums, you can’t build great businesses and have the relationships that I have when you have tantrums”.

“A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Obamacare”, Cruz said the day before the caucuses. I am not make that up.

To use phrasing from a Washington Post article about Carter’s comments, the Texas senator positively “crowed”.

But the mogul, who is predicted a win in the upcoming New Hampshire Primary despite falling into second place in Iowa, didn’t take issue with Cruz calling out his criticisms. Trump started to fire of a storm of angry tweets on Wednesday accusing Cruz, claiming that he had stolen the caucuses.

Some Cruz allies shared that news widely on the night of the caucuses, including to Carson supporters, but did not include the part about Carson remaining in the race.


Trump latched onto it as a reason to invalidate Cruz’s victory over him in Iowa.

Cruz Laughs Off #Trumpertantrum: 'Donald's Insults Get More and More Hysterical'