
Rupert Grint Admits That Hermione Would Have Dumped Ron

Meanwhile, Rupert recently admitted that he found kissing Emma, 25, for “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2“, extremely “surreal”. Now we wouldn’t go that far. Turns out that Rupert Grint, who as an actor has clearly spent a lot of time working out Ron’s personality, also doesn’t think Ron and Hermione’s relationship stands a chance of surviving long-term. “I don’t think that relationship would have done very well”, said Grint, painting a bleak picture of the aging, useless divorcee. Say they’ve split up.


Grint then said of Ron’s future: “He’s living on his own, in a little one-bedroom apartment”. He hasn’t got a job. Matt Lewis agreed on this front. Ron alone in his bedsite, sadly swiping through Tinder with no matches in sight.

“Neville works at the school, right?” said Neville Longbottom actor, Matthew Lewis.

“Jeez, Hermione is thin on the ground with friends”, says Lewis.

Asked whether or not they would be willing to do another film franchise like “Harry Potter”, Rupert Grint had this to say: “I don’t know”.

As for why Neville would take Ron’s side? And that’s when Watson probably wishes she were at the event, because both Lynch and Leung originally said they’d choose Ron’s side, too – mostly because Ron would need more help dealing with this hard situation than Hermione would. “Hermione would handle herself better”, explained Lynch.

Perhaps the upcoming sequel Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – an official stage play following Harry, Ron, and Hermione in their older years – will answer the question once and for all. She never really needed Ron around to save the day, but she loved him so much that wanting him around turned into a need.

Maybe Grint’s basing his guess on the February 2014 one-on-one interview between Emma Watson and J.K. Rowling in which the latter reconsidered Ron and Hermione’s relationship. But she still wouldn’t need a man in her life to be the kickass witch we know she is.


And also, like, okay.

Ron and Hermione in Harry Potter