
The 10 Super Bowl ads people are already sharing like insane

The Budweiser bullfrog. Volkswagen’s Darth Vader kid. Burt Reynolds being kicked in the groin by a bear.


Over the past four decades, Super Bowl commercials have not only pushed products, they’ve helped elevated the game’s profile to new heights by drawing in more casual fans, and even those with no interest in football whatsoever.

Ironically this is the first year of last twelve that GoDaddy is skipping the Super Bowl. In turn, mobile click-through rates on Nanigans’ customers’ ads jumped 14% during the game compared to the previous Sunday. It was also directed by Gore Verbinski, who would go on to direct the first three “Pirates of the Caribbean” films.

“A decision like this will have a direct impact on Bell Media’s continuing ability to support Canadian jobs, generate tax revenues and contribute to Canadian programming”, he said.

Many ad agencies are releasing commercials ahead of the big game. He said the CRTC’s ruling hurts the ability of Canadian companies to reach their market and harms Bell’s ability to promote Canadian shows. Advertisers are spending as much as an estimated $5 million per 30 seconds to capture more than 114 million viewers expected to tune in.

Although there are no guarantees as to which movies get trailers during the event, reports are in that this year will include two 30-second trailers from Fox, with Universal grabbing a single 60-second spot, Paramount buying one 30-second ad and Disney grabbing “multiple spots”. The commercials shown before, during and after the game will be evaluated around the world in the days following the game. Professor Charles Weinberg of the UBC Sauder School of Business has studied how marketers use the Super Bowl to gain a leg-up on the competition, particularly in the movie industry, and says it pays off for some advertisers, but not all. After one wins the Super Bowl, however, all bad that has happened throughout the season will be instantly forgotten. Now it’s time for some football… commercials.

“For that much money, companies want to create a Super Bowl experience”, she said.

Melissa Henson, director of grassroots education and advocacy at the Parents Television Council, summarizes the content of PTC’s January 28 letter to Super Bowl 50 advertisers.

Check out the major celebrities in various ads in this Sunday’s (February 7) Super Bowl 50 as reported by online news media Recode.

Over 15,000 small businesses entered the “Small Business Big Game” contest in a chance for their business to be seen during the Super Bowl.


If this were 2017, the Victoria’s Secret Super Bowl commercial would be no secret to Canadians watching the game on CTV.

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