
Hillary Clinton Losing Her National Lead over Bernie Sanders, Poll Shows

Bernie Sanders continued to hammer former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her ties to big corporations and claimed his campaign is on the rise, drawing huge crowds despite inclement weather.


The ads focus on her work on health care reform and college affordability, as well as immigration reform and “keeping families together”, a phrase that references halting deportations.

“If we’re going to get into labels, I don’t think it was “progressive” to vote against the Brady Bill five times”, she said, raising Sanders’ opposition to some gun laws popular with Democratic voters.

Play video “Who is Hillary Clinton?”.

The advertising push is targeted directly at Nevada’s Hispanic population, which makes up a notable piece of the Democratic electorate in the state.

If the Democratic National Committee had had its way, there would not have been any debate between the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary for the first time in a contested election in three decades.

He said: “Secretary Clinton does represent the establishment”. “I represent – I hope – ordinary Americans”.

In a question submitted by a New Hampshire Union Leader reader, Clinton was asked if she would release transcripts of the paid speeches she’s made.

“I think if we remember where this country was seven years ago, 800,000 jobs being lost every month, $1.4 trillion dollar deficit”, Sanders said during the MSNBC debate.

Some of their sharpest exchanges were on campaign financing, with Mrs Clinton accusing her rival of seeking unfairly to discredit her by suggesting she was beholden to powerful donors.

Video: Who Is Bernie Sanders? Some commentators have said Sanders is making a mistake in not exploiting the FBI investigation into Clinton’s email arrangement for his own political ends.

Clinton sought to dilute some of Sanders’s support among left-leaning voters by presenting herself as a battle-hardened progressive who can get things done to improve the lives of struggling Americans.

In a tussle over their very political identities, the two candidates are engaged in an ongoing argument over who is more committed to – and capable of – carrying out a liberal agenda on health care, income inequality, worker rights and more. Jeb Bush, his campaign lagging, brought in his mom, former first lady Barbara Bush, who praised him as “decent and honest and everything we need in a president”.


Sanders, favored in New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary, said Wednesday that Clinton’s record is “just not progressive” on any number of issues, including her vote as a senator to authorize the war in Iraq.

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