
WARNING GRAPHIC VISUALS: Woman delivers baby in moving auto, husband

The video, about four minutes long, shows Jonathan directing Lesia as she gives birth to a healthy 10-pound baby. “I was pretty much freaking out”.


And so she did. The pregnant lady was sitting in the front seat of the vehicle, while her husband was driving the vehicle.

Jon said that before the couple left their house, he grabbed his GoPro because Lesia had wanted to film this birth.

This is the couple’s third child together, the first two were both girls aged two and one now. They also have 1- and 2-year-old daughters at home. Just a few minutes later a 10 POUND baby drops out of her uterus. “He’s breathing. If he’s crying, he’s breathing, but hold him upside down, babe”, Jonathan says in the video.

“Oh my gosh”, she exclaims, as the man says, “We did it. High-five”. “Natural child birth happens sometimes no matter where you are”, she said. “Once the water broke and [I had] the next contraction, I felt him right there”.

Well, I can’t believe it, either. “We had a baby”, said Jonathan as the baby cries.

When babies are ready to be born, expectant moms have a general idea; there are telltale signs.


Jon, Lesia, and their new son, Josiah, are now doing fine, and the family’s video has racked up over 5.5 million views on YouTube in just three days. The name of the birth center is Bay Area Birth Center in Pasadena, and we highly recommend them.

Watch Amazing Pregnant Woman Gives Birth In A Car