
Couple who had baby in auto talks about experience

Texas woman Lesia Pettijohn gave birth to a 10-pound baby boy in her auto on the way to the hospital. And because he is the couple’s third child, they knew exactly what to do.


“If it would have been my first, I probably would’ve just died”, she said. Jonathan can be heard exclaiming in the background of the three-minute video uploaded to YouTube. “I’m just amazed at how well she did, the baby immediately turned pink so he was healthy”, said Griggs.

This video purportedly shows the woman in labor – on her way to the hospital, we hope – screaming as her water breaks.

“If he’s crying, he’s breathing”, he informs her. “Hold him upside down and pat him on the booty”. “Finally I was like, wow, my shirt is pretty long, I’ll wrap him up in that”. “I was not wanting to have him [in the car]”. “Natural child birth happens sometimes no matter where you are”, she said.

Around 45 minutes into the couple’s journey to the birthing centre, Ms Pettijohn says: “I’m scared I’m going to have it right here”.

He told the site: “He’s gonna be famous before he even knows his own name”. It’s in Norway. It’s unbelievable. Her husband Jonathan was beside her in the driver’s seat for their son’s speedy delivery, and managed to capture it all on film.


The video is one of the most awe-inspiring, most handsome things we’ve ever seen and the “Miracle of Life” video director-slash-dad is nearly too calm to believe.

Houston man films wife giving birth in car as he drives through traffic | US