
Bernie Sanders To Do SNL, With Larry David As Host

The Vermont senator, who hails from Brooklyn, tried to impersonate David impersonating him.


Larry David’s impression of Bernie Sanders is so good that Bernie Sanders is getting confused who he is. Rumor has it that Bernie Sanders will have a cameo in the latest installment in addition to David providing many moments looking and acting like Sanders.

“I am Bernie Sanderswitzky – but we’re going to change it when we get to America so it doesn’t quite sound so Jewish”, Sanders said.

Yuge difference”, says Sanders, channeling his inner Donald Trump.

“We’ll be live in NY”, senior Sanders aide Tad Devine told CNN, echoing the classic SNL opening line.

With the New Hampshire primary approaching on Tuesday, politics permeated “SNL”.

And let’s not forget Kate McKinnon, who came face to face with her political doppelganger, Hillary Clinton, during an October episode of Saturday Night Live. The pieces were in place for an interesting evening live from NY, even if David had been telling viewers, “You don’t have to watch” in the promos. Details of the appearance are still being worked out, but the show has not confirmed the senator’s cameo.

This weekend, that impersonation will be face-to-face with the real thing. Then he shows up again in David’s intro to musical guest The 1975.

In November, Trump played a presidential candidate with two well-coiffed doppelgängers who tried to outboast him.

However, the standout Sanders sketch of the night was “SNL’s “Bern Your Enthusiasm”, which was a riff on David’s hit HBO show”.


After cameoing as Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders multiple times this season, Larry David will be returning to host this week.

Larry David Hosts SNL and Does not Like To be Hugged