
Donald Trump ‘not humiliated’ by second place finish at Iowa

“Donald Trump guaranteed a victory in Iowa and then he lost, and he doesn’t like that”, he continued.


He also claimed that Mr Cruz’s campaign sent out a notification to Iowans warning that not caucusing on Monday would be a violation.

“During primetime of the Iowa Caucus, Cruz put out a release that @RealBenCarson was quitting the race, and to caucus (or vote) for Cruz”, Trump tweeted.

But it is Rubio, who finished a close third in Iowa, who could be the real challenge to Cruz.

When asked to pick among all the Republicans still running for president, Trump hangs on to the lead with 25 percent.

On Monday night, Cruz’s campaign noticed a report from CNN that said Carson was going to head home to Florida for a few days and aides interpreted the story as he was pulling out of the presidential race. The GOP front-runners exchanged blows on Twitter Wednesday about the caucus results.

Republican Ted Cruz may have prevailed in Iowa despite the polls favouring Donald Trump but New Hampshire is quite a different challenge with a more moderate and less religious electorate than the evangelical Cruz would like. The announcement was taken by many as sign Carson would end his bid.

“In retrospect, we should have had a better ground game” in Iowa, Trump said.

Cruz has tried to paint Trump as liberal masquerading as a conservative, because he previously called himself “pro-choice” on all aspect related to abortion.

Trump also said Cruz told voters that Trump supported Obamacare – the ultimate sin among Republican voters – which Trump called “a total lie!”

Mr Cruz said the businessman does not like losing and threw a “Trumpertantrum” after coming second in Iowa.

That’s why Andrew Cline says that if Donald Trump wins the Republican Primary there, it could spell the end of the importance of the Granite State’s first-in-the nation primary.


Trump bowed out of Fox News/Google debate in Des Moines – the final debate before the caucuses – after objecting to co-moderator Megyn Kelly, who he contended had treated him unfairly, as well as a statement that Fox News issued as he threatened to pull out.

Ted Cruz vcitory