
Russian Federation Slams North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Drills In Western Ukraine

July 20, the global Rapid Trident-2015 military exercise involving 1,800 servicemen kicks off in the Yavoriv training area, Lviv oblast.


“These joint manoeuvres… display a broad support for Ukraine in its struggle for freedom and sovereignty”, Ukrainian forces commander Oleksandr Syvak told the festive flag-raising ceremony.

But they also deliver a transparent message to the Kremlin about Washington and its allies’ determination to thwart any expansionist ambitions Russian President Vladimir Putin may have. The event was largely condemned by many world leaders and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation as a clear violation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, which had originally been signed by Russian Federation, the USA and the United Kingdom The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

“The alliance must realize that actions inciting revenge policies of the Kiev “party of war” could threaten the blossoming progress in the peace settlement of the deep internal crisis in Ukraine”, the statement said. Since war broke out in eastern Ukraine between government forces and pro-Russia separatists several months later, the Right Sector has fought on the government side.

(Vatican Radio) Troops from eighteen nations, including American and Ukrainian soldiers, have begun what officials call the “largest multinational exercise ever held in Ukraine” in an effort to show unity and resolve towards Russian Federation.

Russian Federation marks its annual navy day Sunday and such activities are planned well in advance.

The ships will be accompanied by Su-27 interceptor and Su-25 ground attack jets.

Both Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have stirred outrage in Kiev by visiting Crimea in the past year.


A military exercise involving Ukrainian and USA forces, along with troops from more than a dozen other countries, opened Monday in western Ukraine, as fighting between government troops and Russia-backed rebels escalated in eastern Ukraine, despite a cease-fire.

Russian Federation Slams North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Drills In Western Ukraine