
Binding of Isaac iOS port rejected by Apple

The game’s creator and producer, however, was met with much support after posting a tweet of his rejection on Twitter. The reason Apple gives for denying its addition is due to the game containing content or features “that depict violence towards, or abuse of, children”.


Unfortunately, Apple, also known as the fun police, has rejected the game’s application to be released on its devices.

Nicalis founder Tyrone Rodriguez tweeted out an image of Apple’s official rejection of The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth from being added to the iOS App Store.

Nintendo is renown for censoring controversial content, and had no problem launching The Binding of Isaac on various platforms. Isaac has already appeared on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and PlayStation Vita, and is even available on family-loving Nintendo’s 3DS and Wii U machines – although it was initially rejected by the Japanese company for its “questionable religious content”.

Based on the story from the Hebrew Bible in which God asks Abraham to sacrifice his child, Isaac, to test his faith, The Binding of Isaac is a 2D procedurally generated dungeon crawler featuring a young boy attempting to escape his mother, who’s been given a similar mandate.

It looks like Edmund McMillen’s roguelike The Binding of Isaac will not be coming to iPhone and iPad any time soon.


We’ve requested comment from both Rodriguez and McMillen about how they intend to combat this rejection.

The Binding of Isaac rejected by Apple due to violence towards children