
Patients warned some services will be affected by junior doctors’ strike

“All of our emergency care services will be running as usual, but members of the public are reminded to only attend A&E if it is a genuine emergency and to consider alternative options for minor ailments, such as visiting your pharmacist, walk in centre or urgent care centre”.


Last minute talks were taking place today between doctors and government negotiators in a last ditch bid to avert the action.

The British Medical Association is understood to have put forward a proposal that would have seen doctors’ basic pay rise by about half the 11% offered by ministers in return for Saturday not to be treated as a normal working day.

Heath Secretary Jeremy Hunt has condemned the strike action, calling it “disappointing”.

The Government has said it is “fast approaching” the time when it will implement a new junior doctors’ contract. We aim to keep disruption to patients to a minimum. “Some planned surgery and outpatient appointments will be rescheduled and all the patients involved will be contacted in advance”. “The latest advice and information is on our website and social media”.

Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust has said its emergency services will be “completely unaffected” by the action but has said a “small number of non-urgent appointments may be re-booked”, with affected families being contacted.


“Patients in need of emergency hospital care will continue to receive the treatment they need, when they need it. In all cases priority will be given to those patients with the most pressing health needs”. Accident and Emergency is for people facing life threatening conditions and emergencies auch as serious accidents, serious burns, breathing problems, heart attacks and strokes.

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