
Kendall slams paper over weight question

The 44-year-old shadow care minister, who’s bidding to be Labour’s first female leader, told BBC Radio 5Live’s John Pienaar: “It’s unbelievable”.


Kendall has been targetted by rivals for being the only unmarried candidate for the Labour leadership, while Yvette Cooper’s camp has been accused of playing the “mum” card by saying they back her specifically because she is a mother, when Kendall is not.

Left-wing candidate Jeremy Corbyn voiced his strong support for boycotts of illegal West Bank settlement products and sanctions against Israel at the hustings.

“I mean I just think it’s unbelievable that in the 21st century, women still get asked such very very different questions from men”, she said.

“But I think he’s said things in this contest that are important”.

MPs on all sides voted in favour of recognising the Palestinian state by 274 to 12 a year ago. The way we achieve peace is through a two-state solution and negotiation, not through passing resolutions in the House of Commons or the United Nations.

Walters is clearly a man of moral character: Not only did he objectify one of the most powerful politicians in England to her face, but he also ignored her wish that her totally deserved expletive-laden response be off the record.

But Andy Burnham suggested there’d be a role for the radical left-winger.

“There are questions about children being held in Israeli prisons, and about African refugees not being allowed into Israel or indeed being deported from Israel”.

He asked the audience, after highlighting severe bloodshed and breaches of human rights against Palestinians: “Is it right that we should be supplying arms in that situation?”


The veteran left-wing MP said he had used the term during a welcome to a number of groups he had invited to speak in Parliament.

Liz Kendall says Labour's politics'must be of the people for the people and by the people