
PM Narendra Modi to meet 21 delegates of Central Trade Unions today

New Delhi: Prime Minster Narendra Modi on Monday inaugurated the 46th Indian Labour Conference.


Trade union leaders, however, stressed that there was no consensus and they would go ahead with the planned nation-wide strike on September 2 to press for their demand.

Rai said that despite demands for raising the minimum wage to Rs.15,000 per month, the government has failed to do so.

H Mahadevan, leader of AITUC said, “Philosophy sounds good, but what is needed is action (from government)”.

“It was a positive, proactive initiative”.

The Prime Minister called upon industry to create at least 20 lakh apprentice jobs.

“We are trying to stitch an agreement for defence cooperation on the lines of the defence framework agreements we have with other close strategic partners, like Russian Federation, Japan and the USA”, sources in the Defence Ministry said.

The BMS has emerged as the country’s largest union and has been at the vanguard of the significant work stoppages.

The Prime Minister’s meeting followed an extensive consultations which the trade union leaders held with an inter-ministerial panel headed by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. The PM will speak tomorrow at the India Labour Conference.

“He said the politics of majority and minority had caused a lot of damage to the country”, the PMO had said in a statement after his aforementioned meeting with the delegation of 30 Muslim leaders led by Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi. “So, let us wait and see”. There is a gap on issues related to contract labour and minimum wages. “Discussions are in progress on these issues”, Dattatreya told reporters.

“A dialogue with trade unions began yesterday. I persisted and said ‘why are you meeting us after a year?’ He was silent”, Dasgupta said.

The prime Minister had, during a tea meeting with the central trade union leaders on Sunday, heard their views on various economic policies and labour related laws but gave no assurance to them on issues raised by unions.

Details regarding status of implementation of schemes announced by Modi have also been sought.


As per a letter written by the Prime Minister’s Office to 10 ministries, the latter have been asked to submit a report of the action taken by them with regard to the PM’s 2014 announcements made from the Red Fort.

Govt treads carefully during address to unions