
Clinton, Sanders clash over support of minorities, Obama

Hillary Clinton tried to link herself to President Obama, and she claimed that Bernie Sanders has been personally critical of Obama.


“Let’s not insult the intelligence of the American people”, he said. And she accused Sanders of trying to shade the truth about what she said would be a 40 per cent increase in the size of the federal government in order to implement his policies.

He will tap into the anger and frustration animating the Democratic grass-roots by driving home his indictment of an economy that he sees as stacked in favor of the wealthy against the rest of Americans and a political system he says is corrupted by vast financial donations and super PACs. “I’m asking people to support me because I think I’m the most qualified, experienced, and ready person to be the president and the commander-in-chief”, Clinton said in response to a question about whether her presidency would be historic. “We should not make promises we can’t keep”, Clinton said and warned that Sanders’ plans to push for a single-payer health care program would gridlock the political system and jeopardize Obamacare.

“A 100, 150 years ago incredibly courageous Americans said, you know what, working class kids, low income kids should not have to work in factories or on the farms”, Sanders said.

The candidates both vowed to pursue comprehensive immigration reform, using the emotional issue to draw a contrast with Republicans who oppose allowing numerous millions of people in the United States illegally to stay.

Sanders clashed with Hillary Clinton over college affordability during the Democratic presidential debate in Milwaukee Thursday night. Sanders used a piece from Clinton’s own book where she praised the advice and friendship of Henry Kissinger.

Sanders was asked during Thursday night’s Democratic presidential debate on PBS whether “race relations would be better under a Sanders presidency than they’ve been”. But she did highlight the already-historic nature of her campaign in a moment of solidarity with the two female moderators: “Somebody told me earlier today we’ve had like 200 presidential primary debates, and this is the first time there have been a majority of women on the stage”.

So how in the world is Clinton whooping Bernie’s behind when one has won a caucus while the other has won a primary?

Hillary Clinton rattled off a list of policies to combat racial injustice, saying she’d go further than just changing sentencing laws to tackle jobs, housing and employment policies.

And in an attack on Republican front-runner Donald Trump, Clinton said that American Muslims “need to feel not just invited but welcome within the American society”, adding that Trump stirring up demagogy against American Muslims is “not only offensive, it’s unsafe”.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. For example, PBS noted Sanders focus on inspiration and feeling during the debate.

Sanders says her critique is “completely inaccurate” and his proposal would save money for middle- and lower-income families.

“That is beyond unspeakable”, Sanders said of a disproportionately high black male prison population. “One of us ran against Barack Obama”.


Sanders faulted her 2002 vote approving a green light to the Iraq War and her role in toppling dictator Moammar Gadhafi in Libya, where the Islamic State group now controls significant territory.

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