
The Walking Dead: Andrew Lincoln Teases “Sickening” Season 6 Finale

Don’t miss the midseason premiere of AMC’s The Walking Dead when it airs at 9/8c on February 14, 2016, with Talking Dead immediately following the episode.


The preview ends with the speaker pointing two guns at Sasha and Abraham as Daryl escorts another biker off-screen to take a look at what’s in Daryl’s truck. “But sometimes he just can’t resist and will chime in with something like, “‘Hey, knock it off, ‘ or I say, ‘I’m going to cut you off, ‘” adding that “everybody gets nervous when you say something like that”. And [director] Greg Nicotero and our brilliant crew put their bodies and everything on the line to get it shot. Needless to say, things certainly aren’t looking good for them!

Make sure to cuddle up close to your significant other this Valentine’s Day, as the episode is bound to be a bumpy ride.

According to Gimple, Rick and his group have extremely deep knowledge and skill set to survive.

So, while waiting for the premiere of the ninth episode, check out the show’s midseason premiere in the clip below.

Speaking of the Season 6 finale, Entertainment Weekly spoke to Andrew Lincoln about the (probably carnage-filled episode), and he painted a shockingly dire picture of what’s to come.

Morgan is becoming a contentious character within Rick’s group, especially as a result of his pacifist philosophy.

We still don’t know exactly who these Saviors are quite yet, since the leader of this group doesn’t identify himself in this four-minute clip.

How to stream The Walking Dead: Watch full episodes from Season 6 at and the AMC app for iOS, Android and Windows.

The ad reveals Rick’s son, Carl, with his right eye bandaged up. In the comics, his character was shot in the eye accidentally by Douglas Monroe (who was gender-swapped to Deanna in the TV series) during a zombie attack.

Based on the opinion published by Games Radar, it was noted that the death of the well-loved character must already happen.


The obvious interpretation of this statement is, of course, that Glenn will die in the season finale. Fear the Walking Dead will have 12 episodes for the coming season in contrast of six episodes from the freshman season.

Screenshot from the midseason premiere