
Don’t Forget About Ted Cruz

And I opened the program yesterday saying, “You will never, ever have to worry about that with Ted Cruz”. Trump frequently warns that Democrats would sue Cruz if he got the nomination.


It was during that election that Cruz’s people distributed information to voters that Dr. Ben Carson was suspending his GOP campaign; a falsity that Cruz later apologized for, claiming it was an honest mistake based off inaccurate media reports.

Cruz was born a US citizen because his mother was an American living in Canada.

Trump maintains Cruz may not be a natural born citizen, one of a few qualifications to be president listed in the Constitution. Trump on the campaign trail has consistently called eminent domain a helpful tool in order to expand both public and private businesses. Trump’s actual record on the issue is more complicated than Cruz implied.

“An individual born to a USA citizen parent – whether in California or Canada or the Canal Zone – is a US citizen from birth and is fully eligible to serve as President”, Neal Katyal and Paul Clement, who ran the Solicitor General’s Office under Barack Obama and George W. Bush, respectively, wrote in 2015 in reference to Cruz.

“Trump carries every age group except for the youngest (18-29) where Rubio nudges Trump out by 7 points”, Matt Towery Sr., political analyst FOX5 Atlanta, columnist and frequent pollster for Morris Newspapers, said of the results.

Relations between the two candidates have deteriorated sharply in recent weeks, after they avoided directly challenging one another for most of the fall.


But the rules for standing in state courts are broader, he said, so “any candidate or voter can challenge” Cruz.
