
Street Fighter V In-Game Store Won’t Be Ready Until March

Capcom is attempting to combine the plots of all of the previous six Street Fighter titles into one game.


That’s when you’ll be able to unlock story costumes for Ryu, Ken and Chun-Li; these costumes are unlocked for purchase after completing each character’s story but…well, if there’s no store, there’s no costume, right? Players will need to wait for the game’s first major update, which premieres in March, before they can use in-game currency to unlock new features, costumes, and characters. Alex will be the first character players will have a chance to download next month. The Challenge mode, featuring battle tips, trials and daily goals, will also be included in the March update.

“It’s very similar to what you see in other Street Fighter titles – it has still screenshots, conversations, and banter between characters”.

Street Fighter V’s online versus mode will be similarly hobbled at launch, and will only allow up to two players to meet up in online battle lobbies.

Capcom has released all the different Character Story Mode costumes for Street Fighter 5 and more on Survival and Challenge Modes. But Capcom said that eight person lobbies and spectator mode will be released as part of the planned March update. So what is in the game at launch? Once the four difficulty levels of Survival Mode are cleared, new colors and in-game titles for the character will be earned. It has a roster of 16 playable characters with more coming later as DLC, which can be purchased with in-game fight money. New characters will be available each month through September except for June when the Cinematic Story Expansion is released.


At a pre-launch event in Japan yesterday for Street Fighter V, the latest installment of the fighting series releasing next week, new details were shared about to what to expect upon its debut. Let us know your thoughts in the comments. And no doubt the Capcom was keen to get the game into as many hands as possible ahead of the crucial Evo tournament in the summer.

CAPCOMStreet Fighter 5 comes out next week