
What Lies Ahead for Donald Trump

Republican stumping continues today in SC, as candidates prepare for this weekend’s debate and next weekend’s GOP Primary. But the muddled contest for third – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, who won the Iowa caucuses earlier this month.


Florida, which votes on March 15, could prove decisive. Sanders collected 60 percent of the votes in the Democratic primary, swamping former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with 37.

So far, not a single mainstream candidate from the Republican Party could consolidate traditional support within the party.

The news wasn’t as good for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who had been polling at 13 percent in January after receiving the endorsement of South Carolina Sen. The former allies turned fierce competitors – with the candidates and campaign ads harshly attacking one another – will also be on stage together Saturday for a CBS News candidate debate in Greenville, S.C.

The question is, where will their supporters go? Tim Scott for Rubio.

Going into SC and Nevada, Clinton has 394 delegates Sanders has 44. He’s been a capable governor for sure.

But by the time the campaign started, Christie’s star had fallen considerably as his image was badly tarnished by scandal and the growing perception that rather than someone who could work with people he was, in fact, more of a bully. Ms. Clinton, despite her broad support in the infrastructure of the Democratic Party, should be running scared.

Bush and his allies reportedly spent $36 million just in New Hampshire, but Beightol defended the investment.

Wednesday, when Corden let them have it as he walked through the New Hampshire poll results.

Meeks said 90 percent of the 20-member board of the CBC’s PAC voted to endorse Clinton. The New Jersey governor had pinned most of his hopes on New Hampshire, but stepped up his Iowa efforts late in the campaign.

He then criticized Trump for using profane language during a recent event in New Hampshire. What do you think I’d be doing down here?

At first glance, that’s just what happened Tuesday night.

We’re going to go home to New Jersey tomorrow, and we’re going to take a deep breath. “He came in fourth place, but he told CNN that he considers that a win”, Corden said confused.


Civil rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton said he met with Sanders on Wednesday to discuss issues that affect the African-American community, including affirmative action and police brutality.

Trump and Sanders lack foreign policy expertise and don't seem to be seeking advice