
Ryan Reynolds wants Deadpool to have a boyfriend in sequel

What am I supposed to do with that?’ ” he said.


DEADPOOL in his own movie is a much better fit for Ryan Reynolds’s self-deprecating style than staid Green Lantern ever was. What’s more, Deadpool is true to the comics, and fans of the character – whether they know him from the comics or from the games – will definitely not be disappointed.

Ajax/Francis (Skrein) has the pretty face to be the hero, but turns out to be the total antithesis of Deadpool in every way and we root for the merc with the mouth to get his guy.

Enter Deadpool: the anti-superhero movie we’ve all been waiting for.

“So if you watch the movie, it’s partly me playing it, and then I was just like, ‘I can’t do this, ‘ and then they have another actor [play Deadpool]”.

The film is based on Marvel Comics’ popular anti-hero, Deadpool.

To protect his vision for the modestly budgeted special effects movie, Reynolds also served as one of the film’s producers and pushed to have the production shot in his hometown of Vancouver a year ago.

The first post-credits scene for Deadpool mocks the one featured in the classic comedy movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

Well, at least he’s being humble about his new title, right?

A miracle indeed. That’s because “Deadpool” isn’t your average superhero film. Now, that’s going to change since Reynold’s is already done with DeadPool.

So if you still need another reason to see “Deadpool”, critics and fans alike are giving the film rave reviews, and rumors of a sequel began swirling for weeks before the film’s release. Two traditional X-Men types, Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) and Colossus (the aforementioned CGI character), mostly stand around enduring insults.


Deadpool’s rabble-rousing antics on the battlefield are flashy and crowd-pleasing enough to convince the X-Men that he’s got what it takes to join Professor Xavier’s mutant hotheads and impressionable underlings. But although Deadpool keeps joking about being nothing like other superhero movies, the actual film plays out exactly like any other origin story. Were not quite sure what to make of her assertion that your family would have to be inbreds in order to enjoy the film together.

Ryan Reynolds Stefan Kapicic and Brianna Hildebrand in Deadpool