
4 more Westchester County Jail inmates rushed to hospital

At least four more inmates “will be charged by the end of the day with promoting prison contraband, ” in addition to two inmates who were charged with the misdemeanor on Monday, according to Westchester County Commissioner of Public Safety George Longworth.


Police say Deron unusual, who was in jail on an assault charge, had the remains of a hand-rolled cigarette.

Police were testing the cigarette found on unusual.

Lombard, Mariela Freelance NYDN Prison officials placed the 1,600-inmate facility on lockdown Sunday after six inmates had to be rushed to the hospital, according to reports.

Westchester County Jail houses individuals 16 years and older, including men and women accused of a crime or those awaiting sentencing. Two inmates admitted to ingesting synthetic marijuana, officials said. As that inmate was being treated, five other inmates began to show a mix of symptoms, he said.

A jail spokesman says all visitors are searched, and all prisoners are strip-searched, before and after all visits.

“But we are aware of some of the trends right now”, Mr. Pruyne said.


Police are investigating what drug the prisoners may have used and how they may have may have maneuvered it into the jail. “And with something like this, we would even consider educating our inmate population as to the dangers of something like this, taking an unknown substance”.

County jail