
Democrats, please think it through before voting for Sanders

“I believe President Obama had the legal authority to do what he did”.


Clinton invoked Obama or his administration 21 times during the debate and used the president, who remains popular with rank-and-file Democrats, as a shield to push back against Sanders’ critiques.

This trend is likely to help Sanders, who considers himself to be a democratic socialist, to eat into Clinton’s vote bank among minority groups in most of the southern states.

But you know what?

MARTIN: I’m well. So we just heard about the political split in the Garner family, in particular.

“I am not here to talk about my involvement in the American civil rights movements”, Lewis said, noting that he is here to introduce “my beloved sister who I have known for so many years”. While Clinton wins people over 50, Sanders has a lock on the younger feminists.

It should be noted that the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has interpreted the gender provisions under civil rights law to include discrimination based on sexual orientation, which would make anti-gay bias in the workplace already unlawful throughout the country. That means many voters now have new addresses, phone numbers and other data essential for campaigning – but the campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are struggling to find that information. Both disagreed with a new series of raids authorized by Obama to arrest and deport some people from Central America who recently came to the country illegally.

The Clinton campaign also released a new web video Saturday excerpting several of Sanders’ answers from the debate in which he pivoted to Wall Street when asked about another topic. “I don’t see Bernie going anywhere”. However, the poll’s margin of error is high – plus or minus 9 percentage points. “We were told we were going to get it!”

JUDY WOODRUFF: Sanders moved on to campaign in Minnesota today.

Which candidate takes on the Republican nominee depends on Colorado, a sizeable Super Tuesday caucus state. We’re spinning around. Hi. Hi.

But front-runner Donald Trump dismissed that move during a rally in Louisiana last night. Now he is bringing in his brother. “That was not as I understand, the secretary’s position”, the independent senator from Vermont said, reported The Hill.

Republican voters in SC will cast their votes next Sunday, while Democratic voters will vote on February 27. No, it’s not the evil rich people. She said campuses need support services for victims and there needs to be fairness in both campus disciplinary and criminal justice proceedings.


“The vote is powerful, it is precious, it is the most powerful nonviolent tool in the democratic society and we must use it”, Lewis added.

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton