
US stealth jets fly over S. Korea amid N. Korea standoff

North Korea has formed a new “military unit” subordinate to Strategic Rocket Forces to deploy the weapon, Yonhap reported Sunday, citing US and South Korean officials.


The USS John C. Stennis, a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, will reportedly be mobilised to South Korea during this year’s joint annual war games between Seoul and Washington that will kick off on March 7 and run through April 30.

Speaking on the deterioration of the security situation after North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s recent nuclear and satellite tests, Major General Wang Haiyun said in an article on Tuesday that China must “take strong counter measures” as it faced various threats.

The Pentagon report warned that the KN-08 might theoretically be capable of striking parts of the continental U.S., but the missile system doesn’t actually exist yet and is just something North Korea has been struggling to get a handle on.

In its 10 October 2015 military parade, North Korea revealed a new version of the KN08 that featured two stages and a redesigned warhead stage, similar to the multiple warhead-carrying bus of the Russian Makeyev R-29/RSM-40 submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM).

“We will not allow our legitimate rights and national security interests to be damaged”, Hong said. “This comprehensive sanctions legislation is meant to strengthen our hand in dealing with North Korea”.

Liberal lawmakers also said the Kaesong shutdown is not effective because North Korea maintains economic ties with China and Russian Federation.

Zhang said this on the sidelines of the seventh high-level strategic dialogue between the foreign affairs ministries of China and South Korea, Xinhua reported.

“But the North’s trade of non-goods, including exports of its labor, has been on the rise since the first quarter of 2015, and it is likely to further grow”, it added.


He said China was seriously concerned over the intention of Washington and Seoul to hold talks on deploying THAAD in South Korea.

Pentagon: North Korea Lacks Technology to Nuke US