
Bernie Sanders backers pack rally as Hillary Clinton nips at his heels

Until recently it seemed like Hillary Clinton had learned a lesson from the 2008 presidential campaign-she hasn’t shied away from women’s issues and is explicitly embracing the historical importance of potentially becoming the first woman president of the United States. According to Time, feminist writer Gloria Steinem apologized on Sunday using her Facebook account after saying that young women who support Bernie Sanders in this race are there to meet boys. The article further elaborated that Clinton said that the remarks of Albright was nothing new. “I can only do my very best to try to put those to rest”.


“Have pro-Clinton journalists and pundits been subjected to some vile, abusive, and misogynistic rhetoric from random, anonymous internet supporters of Sanders who are angry over their Clinton support?”

Cavette hopes Clinton will keep her commitment to help the city until they are lead free.

“We need to not try to let people say everybody who is not for me is in the establishment”, Clinton said.

“Okay, so Keystone Pipeline, well I can make the environmentalists happy or I can make them angry or I can get the AFL-CIO happy and call the pollsters, what are they saying”, Kasich said, mocking Clinton. However, with Clinton facing the possibility of losing the February 9 primary in New Hampshire, she’s turned the claim back on Sanders. Only 20% of New Hampshire Democratic voters said that they are open to changing their minds.

“We can’t get in a place where we’re so mad, we demonize everyone against us”, the former president later said, clearly frustrated.

SANDERS: Yeah, well a lot of people think you know that’s ultimately her decision.

“I just bought it out front, I couldn’t wait to put it on”, Roberts said of her new “Feel the Bern” shirt.

The DSCC holds fundraisers for Senate Democrats, and, although Sanders is an Independent, he caucuses as a Democrat and has attended fundraisers in Martha’s Vineyard with the group, CNN reports.

Meanwhile, Mr Clinton extended his assault on Mr Sanders, calling him hypocritical fro making attacks on Wall Street and “the billionaire class”. “It hasn’t changed (Sanders’) view”, she said. “I grew up in a insane age where we loved to have arguments but they were fact based and we discussed things”.


She ended resolutely: “I don’t know anything other to do than just keep forging through it, and just keep taking the slings and arrows that come with being a woman in the arena”.

Hillary Clinton prepares to appear in Flint today