
Clinton’s lead narrows in CNN Poll of Polls

Likely Democratic primary voters favor Clinton over Sanders by 28 points (56-28 percent), according to a Fox News poll released Thursday.


The former secretary of state scored a coup as she courts African-Americans, securing the endorsement of Rep. James Clyburn.

Though losing the New Hampshire Primary, Clinton has remained the frontrunner with a lead in the SC polls, putting the pressure on Sanders to find a way to close what has become an increasingly smaller gap.

Joined by other DREAMers, she told the presidential candidate about her struggles. “And this process appears to have accelerated since the contests in Iowa and New Hampshire”, said Democratic pollster Chris Anderson.

“As we have seen there are high-level Vermont Democratic politicians who have supported Hillary Clinton, so there’s a base to build on there: Madeleine Kunin, Patrick Leahy, Governor Shumlin all Clinton supporters, former Governor Howard Dean”.

“Back then, it was a state-by-state determination, and I’m happy that most states have moved in the right direction, but what we have to do now is get to comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship”, Clinton said.

After the Nevada caucus on Saturday, Sanders heads to South Carolina Sunday to ready himself for the that primary on February 27th. “I’ll do all the worrying, is that a deal?” The Denver Post reported Clinton’s “once-confident” campaign was “tempering expectations in a state where Bernie Sanders is poised to make a big showing in the March 1 caucus”. Sanders wasn’t really a Democrat until he chose to run for president. Everything the President does is wonderful. “We know she can take it because she has taken it time after time after time”.

Immigrant rights youths announced a grassroots effort to mobilize Latino and Latino millennials to support Sanders.

“I’m sick and exhausted of them”, Cordelia Lewis-Burks, a superdelegate from IN, said of the Sanders backers.

But you wouldn’t know it to look at the superdelegates.

The questioner in Thursday’s town hall followed up on his inquiry, suggesting that he did not trust Clinton’s claims about her Wall Street speeches given that she has flip-flopped on the issue of gay marriage.

“We need to keep those young people working, going to school, being productive members of our society”, Clinton said. “Maybe it’s that Sen”. For starters, it should raise some red flags that she’s dropped by double-digits (again) in a year that was supposed to be smooth sailing to the nomination.

“I am happy to release everything I have when everybody also does the same”, Clinton said.

Voters in SC will also go to the polls Saturday.

Other national polls have found Clinton still holding a comfortable lead, however.

“I made up my mind”, said Johnson, the 2014 Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate.

From the audience of about 350 people in Nevada, numerous questions were asked in Spanish, on the topic of immigration.

Excuse me, but there is still only one person running for president on the Democratic side who the American people can even imagine as president. “I understand that it is unacceptable that 35% of black children in America are living in poverty”, Sanders said.

The fact that voters can register at caucus locations, six of which will be located in casinos on the Las Vegas Strip, should help turnout in the Latino community.


While the Democratic race in SC has narrowed, Hillary Clinton continues to trounce Bernie Sanders. When AP did this in November, Clinton led Sanders 359-8 in pledged support, meaning her already substantial margin has grown. She was up 18 points in a CNN/ORC poll of South Carolina Democrats this week.

Senator Bernie Sanders with Rev. Al Sharpton in Washington on Thursday