
Ted Cruz dares Donald Trump to sue him over negative campaign ad

The Republican race for the party’s 2016 presidential nomination erupted into a four-candidate crossfire yesterday over who has the proper experience and is the most conservative, days before SC voters put their stamp on the campaign. McInterff also commented on the poll saying, “So, one poll post-Saturday debate can only reflect there may have been a “pause” as Republican voters take another look at Trump. And so Donald’s reaction to each of the points of his record that I bring up is simply to engage in personal insults and attacks, and scream liar and threaten a lawsuit”. “Now he’s going to send somebody up there not be confirmed and we’re going to have an election and whoever wins is going – not only be present, but decide what thefundamental makeup of the court is”.


Based on the CNN transcript from October 15, 2008, Our Principles was faithful to the video. “I just believe it’s going to work and I keep chugging right along”, Kasich told Matthews in an interview Wednesday.

“This guy Lindsey Graham, he’s one of the dumbest human beings I have ever seen, ” Trump said at a rally in Bluffton.

Trump: “Well, he lied”. We’ve got territories and other places, Guam, these other places. “Well, I’m like a pig in slop because I get to hang out with Lindsay Graham all week”. “They love him”, Prater said. “Apple should absolutely, we should force them to do it. We should do whatever we have to do and I guess he wants to be a good liberal and he doesn’t want to give the information”.

That was in 2008.

Trump has repeatedly advocated enhanced interrogation techniques for foreign prisoners, and he said again Wednesday he would “absolutely” allow waterboarding, which simulates the feeling of drowning.

Trump has waged a series of attacks in recent weeks after Cruz won the Iowa Caucus earlier this month, arguing that the senator won the Iowa caucuses through unfair and deceitful tactics. He was – he made a disgusting mistake; we all make mistakes. “Some people think that you have to be the loudest voice in the room to make a difference”.

George W. Bush’s rare emergence from political hibernation came at a time when Trump took several swipes at his two poisonous legacy of an unpopular war in Iraq and the economic recession that began at the end of his presidency. “I am strongest on illegal immigration, strongest on ISIS, strongest on the military and I will take care of our Vets”, he said in a statement, as per Business Insider.

Sen. Cruz said, “I’ll confess”. “Nobody else on this stage said that”. Both events will be moderated by news anchor Anderson Cooper. You call it whatever you want.


The mogul added: “If I want to bring a lawsuit it would be legitimate”. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. “Never”, Bush said, prompting applause from the group. Asked if he had the proper temperament to be president, Trump said he did.

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaks during a luncheon event with supporters in Nashua New Hampshire the United States Feb. 8 2016