
Mississippi health officials have reported a flu-related death in northwest Mississippi

It takes about two weeks to build immunity after getting the shot, so next year, getting it before the flu season starts is best.


Massachusetts, along with CT and Vermont, is among 12 states experiencing widespread flu activity, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Flu on Call, a toll-free helpline to provide information and medical advice about flu, will conclude its six-week pilot test in Dodge, Saunders, and Washington counties at 7 p.m. Friday, the Three Rivers Public Health Department announced today.

Dobbs said the flu vaccine is the most effective way to prevent infection. Pediatric deaths are defined as deaths of individuals under 18 years of age. “All indicators suggest that the current flu vaccine is a good match for the flu strains in MS”.

A teacher at the school says that the student, Cheyanne Hicks, was sent home from class yesterday when she began feeling ill. The numbers of adults who die from influenza are not individually reported to the state, but the average annual death toll from influenza is estimated to be about 300 in Maricopa County. Doctors made that move to contain the spread of the Flu virus. Healthcare providers participating in the system also submit respiratory samples for flu testing to the MSDH Public Health Laboratory.

Symptoms of flu include fever, body aches, sore throat, cough and extreme tiredness.


Those particularly at risk for influenza complications include young children, adults 50 and older, pregnant women, and those with chronic illnesses.

Flu on Call helpline: Six week pilot program in Milwaukee Co. ends February 19th