
One person has tested positive for Zika virus in Yolo County

The resident had recently traveled out of the country and contracted a mild case of Zika.


Pregnant women especially need to take note of the recent travel recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that urge them to postpone travel to affected areas if possible.

Pregnant women are most at risk for complications from the Zika virus because serious birth defects have been reported in children born to women who are infected with the virus. Washington, D.C., and other 19 states have confirmed cases of the Zika virus infection. He said he did not know whether the health department has contacted close associates of the patient to talk to them about the disease, which can be spread by sexual contact as well as mosquito bite.

Discovered in Uganda in 1947, the current outbreak of Zika virus in Brazil began in early 2015 and has spread to over 20 other countries in the Americas, including Mexico and Puerto Rico. This marks the first reports of American women who got the illness and then miscarried, although the Washington Post notes that miscarriages in women with Zika have been found in Brazil, the epicenter of the Zika outbreak. “The illness may include a fever, a rash which is sometimes itchy, and joint pains”, Dr Taylor said. The city will also be launching a campaign to educate people about using mosquito repellent and getting rid of standing water – Information they hope to convey before it is springtime again in the city. The CDC said, in fact, about only one in five people will display symptoms. The letter makes note that “rapid testing to determine if an individual is infected is expected in the near future”. The alarm regarding Zika virus now is the possibility that it could harm unborn babies in pregnant women.

Health officials have confirmed a pregnant woman in Victoria has been diagnosed with the Zika virus.


The World Health Organization has deemed Zika a “global public health emergency”. In the past, Zika was considered a nuisance virus.

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