
Boy Pleads Guilty To Inciting Parade Terror

A 15-year-old British boy admitted Thursday in court to inciting a teenager in Australia to behead, run over or shoot a police officer in Australia, in a plot reminiscent of the chilling 2013 murder of British soldier Lee Rigby in London.


He entered his plea via video link from Manchester Crown Court.

The boy, who was wearing spectacles, a grey shirt and striped tie, sat alongside his father and listened intently during the hearing.

The boy was just 14 when he incited an Australian boy, Sevdet Besim, to behead, run over or shoot a police officer on Anzac Day.

Mr Justice Saunders has requested pre-sentence reports to determine whether “indoctrination” played any part in the boy’s case.

“I want a few assessment of that, why and how they have occurred, and what measures can be taken in order to reverse that process”.

Prosecutors dropped a second charge relating to inciting beheading.

“Dealing with someone of this age is an extremely difficult sentencing process and I will need all the help I can get”.

The boy was remanded in custody at a youth detention centre until sentencing on September 3.

In one message, the teenager told Besim: “Suggest you break into someone’s house and get your first taste of beheading”.

“The evidence of the plot derives from literally thousands of instant messages between the defendant and Sevdet Besim, recovered from the defendant’s mobile phone”.


Mr Greaney said the messages showed “the intentions of the plotters” as well as demonstrating support for Isis and “their enthusiasm” that an attack be carried out.

Sevdet Besim