
Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump maintain big leads in Georgia

Rubio, who edged out Cruz for second place in SC, said that primary turned the GOP presidential race into a three-person contest. Strategists said he also benefited from the withdrawal from the race of one-time establishment favorite Jeb Bush, some of whose donors were preparing to shift to Rubio. “You the people of Nevada, not Washington bureaucrats, should be in charge of your own land”.


She capitalised on a more diverse Democratic electorate who helped her rebound after a second-place finish to Sanders in the New Hampshire primary. “They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks”, Trump said, adding, “I’d like to punch him in the face”.

Yes, Donald Trump could really be the Republican nominee.

For Rubio, the son of former casino workers who spent six years in Nevada as a child and young teenager, the focus is on securing the support of mainstream Republicans and playing up his ties to the region. Those endorsements, in turn, could serve as a signal to some of the now candidate-less voters about who they should choose next.

Pickett said Rubio seemed perfectly situated between Trump and Cruz, and argued that while Nevada’s delegate count may me small, it’s symbolic value would have an impact on Super Tuesday. Cruz apologized to Republican Ben Carson earlier this month after his campaign promoted a news story suggesting that Carson was getting out of the race.

The Jeb-to-Marco shift will continue on Tuesday as Miami-Dade’s Republican legislative delegation, and several Republicans legislators from across the state who endorsed Jeb Bush, will announce their new allegiance to U.S. Sen.

In response to the incident, Cruz asked communications director Rick Tyler to resign Monday. And he ran strongly enough among college-educated voters to prevent either Cruz or Rubio from seriously threatening him. Marco Rubio, by far the clear victor. But he did accomplish two big tasks yesterday: beating Cruz (albeit very narrowly) for the first time, and beating his rivals for establishment support (Bush and Kasich) by a wide margin.

It’s anyones guess as Super Tuesday inches closer. While South Carolina may have been more minor setback than major disappointment, Mackowiak warns Texas is a must-win.

Host Joe Scarborough followed up, “But what state can he win?”

Yet Trump shows no sign of weakening.

However, when you look at just the Democrats in our survey, Clinton wins a majority of support at 51%.


“There are going to be a lot of circumstances where we can declare some victories and at least get this thing to March 15, ” Rich Beeson, a senior Rubio aide told the Associated Press.

Ted Cruz