
Trump fiercely attacks rival Cruz at rally

Because Nevada’s caucus model demands more of a time commitment from voters and takes place on a Tuesday night, Cruz and Rubio hope that what they feel is a superior ground game will pay off against Trump.


Donald Trump followed up his win in New Hampshire with victory in SC, and swept all of the state’s 50 delegates. A Twitter post Monday credited his latest win, at least in part, to anger. Rubio would currently beat her, 48 percent to 45 percent, while Cruz and Clinton are now neck-and-neck – 46 percent each – in a hypothetical contest for North Carolina’s 15 electoral votes. If his name were anything other than “Donald Trump”, the party’s leaders would be penciling him in for the final speaking spot at their convention in Cleveland.

“If Marco Rubio won Nevada it would be an earth-shattering moment in the race”.

The California Republican offered praise for Ohio Gov. John Kasich saying he would make an “excellent” president, and “being a governor is a great training ground to be president”.

“Rubio is selling himself in his ads as, “I am the candidate that Democrats are most afraid to face, I can win and I also have roots in Nevada” because he lived here during his teen years so he is playing that up”, said Herzik. “The people of Iowa and New Hampshire and SC have spoken and I really respect their decision, so tonight I am suspending my campaign”, he announced after the result. According to a Reuters review of campaign finance disclosures, the Republican senator from Florida has raked in more cash from banks and investment firms than any other candidate vying for the White House in 2016.

The new survey was taken on Sunday and Monday – after Mr. Trump’s winon Saturday in SC.

Trump and Clinton will be bringing their delegates momentum into Super Tuesday/SEC Primary on March 1.

Among Utah Republicans, Rubio is tops with 24%, Cruz has 22%, and Trump is at 18%.

Hillary Clinton dealt Bernie Sanders a demoralizing blow by edging him in the Nevada primary Saturday, and she’s heading into favorable terrain in SC, but operatives said Sanders may still represent a threat if his demographic numbers in Nevada play out elsewhere.

“The expectation is that Bush’s support will go to Rubio”.

“I think it’s going to be between Hillary and myself”, Trump said on CNN’s “State of the Union”.

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio is looking to outpoll rival Ted Cruz in Nevada’s caucus on Tuesday to help bolster his position as the establishment favorite for his party’s nomination for the November 8 election.

“If Rubio can’t win Florida, I think it’s pretty difficult” for the Florida senator to continue his campaign, the California congressman said.


Trump argues that as those candidates drop out, he’ll inherit some of their support as well.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event Sunday Feb. 21 2016 in Atlanta