
Dr. Luke: “I Never Had Sex With Kesha”

He continued, explaining, “Kesha and I were friends for many years and she was like my little sister”.


Meanwhile, a number of celebrities have come out to support Kesha, including “Girls” star Lena Dunham who admits she “felt sick” on hearing the news.

Luke wrote, “Until now I haven’t commented on the lawsuits, which should be resolved in court not here on Twitter…” Any claim that she isn’t “free” is a myth. The sound decision Friday by the Court in denying Kesha’s motion for an injunction made it clear Kesha’s allegations of purported abuse were unconvincing and that she had no basis to void record contracts and copyrights.

Kesha breaks her silence with Instagram post thanking fans – Mashable (@mashable) February 24, 2016 Dr. Luke has countersued for defamation, and a year ago, Kesha and her attorney asked the court for a preliminary injunction that would release her from her contract. The media had surmised her weekend tweets were veiled criticisms of Swift’s $250,000 donation to help Kesha in her legal battle with an allegedly abusive producer. It’s sad that she would turn a contract negotiation into something so horrendous and untrue.

Dunham has penned a piece in her feminist email newsletter, Lenny titled, “Why Kesha’s Case Is About More Than Kesha”.

However, the music producer has repeatedly denied the accusation.

More significantly, the Court also noted multiple times that her vague abuse allegations were devoid of factual detail, and that there was no evidence, whether from doctors or anyone else, to support them.

Lovato referenced Swift in her latest post saying, “Everyone has their own way of giving support to others, and at the end of the day, helping victims is all that matters”.


Kesha’s attorney has not responded directly to this claim, but said after the ruling that Sony’s offer to make other recording options available to her were an “elusive promise”. “I had to tell the the outcome will be what it will be”.

Dr. Luke Slams Kesha In Vicious Twitter Rant, Claims He Never Raped Her