
Black Lives Matter ambushes Hillary Clinton fund-raiser

Two activists with the Black Lives Matter movement interrupted a private fundraising event in Charleston, South Carolina, on Wednesday night, demanding that the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton account for language she used as first lady about the need to “bring [at-risk youth] to heel”. The bill advocated for tougher policing of gang members.


A short documentary on the super-predator lie was made, but when you type the words “Super Predator Documentary” into YouTube, guess what comes up?

The surprise protest was in reference to Clinton’s support of her husband’s tough 1990s crime bill, referred to as the Three Strikes Bill, which expanded death penalty laws, lengthened prison sentences and is blamed for facilitating mass incarceration of the disadvantaged.

Williams said she and another activist demonstrated the Clinton event “because we wanted to make sure that black people are paying attention to her record, and we want to know what Hillary we are getting”.

Williams continues talking, however, and asks, ‘Can you apologize to black people for mass incarceration?’

Strategically placing themselves at the front of the crowd, youth activist Ashley Williams, accompanied by a colleague, held a sign that displayed Clinton’s previous comments in an effort to “bring her to confront her own words”, Williams later told the Huffington Post.

Williams was eventually removed from the fundraiser by secret service agents. One has to wonder if this could end up being her “47% of the people” remark harking back to the private event that Mitt Romney had in which he called 47% of the electorate lazy and reliant on the government for welfare, and went viral in 2012.

Clinton: Okay, you want to hear the facts, or you want to just talk?

“You owe black people an apology”, the protester said, again repeating her quote about super-predators. “And then maybe you can listen to what I say”.

“Nobody’s ever asked me before”. They are often the kinds of kids that are called super-predators, no conscious, no empathy. Once the former secretary of state acknowledged her, Williams asked Clinton to apologize for supporting former President Bill Clinton’s criminal justice reforms, which allegedly led to mass incarceration of African-Americans. They are often connected to big drug cartels; they are not just gangs of kids anymore.

Clinton: Can I talk?

The encounter came ahead of Saturday’s Democratic primary in SC.


Bernie Sanders has also leaned heavily on his history of participation in civil rights demonstrations in the ’60s as a show of his commitment to black voters.
