
Alan Wake’s Return trademark sets tongues wagging

For those not familiar with the last-generation psychological survival horror title, Alan Wake follows the game’s titular character’s efforts to find his missing wife after a dark force starts warping the world around him.


We’re saying this because Remedy has registered a trademark for “Alan Wake’s Return” at the European Union database.

It would certainly make sense that this would be the basis of a sequel – something Remedy has planned on making for years. A domain was registered with the same name in June previous year, but the registration information is correlated with Network Solutions LLC, the very same Remedy uses for other live domains.

“‘Alan Wake” was one of the most engrossing and cinematic games of the Xbox 360 generation and it would be interesting to see what Remedy Entertainment would do if they chose to revisit the IP again.

The filing for Alan Wake Returns lists “games software” as the relevant category. Or maybe Lake himself is writing a book. Players must traverse the area around this town and uncover clues to find out the truth behind Wake’s missing memories, while fending off The Taken, mysterious entities that cloak themselves in darkness. Here’s hoping the push for a new Alan Wake title is ramping up.

Now this could mean anything, folks, from a remastering to a true sequel.


The only problem here is that although Remedy has confirmed that there will be a sequel to the fan favorite game, they have also said that they will unveil it when the time is right. Then how about a new one?

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