
Hillary Clinton pledges bigger rewards for corporate whistleblowers

“You know, paid leave, earned sick days, child care, these aren’t women’s issues, they’re family issues, they’re economic issues, they’re American issues”. But we have to do more than talk – we have to take action.


She cited changes in corporate attitudes in explaining why she supports increasing the capital gains tax to rates higher than the 20% she backed in 2008.

That lower tax rate is partial compensation for what is otherwise a pretty bad deal for the investor: At ordinary tax rates, federal and state governments could take around half your profit via income taxes, but you bear almost all the risk, since only $3,000 of annual losses can be deducted from ordinary taxable income.

[NEW YORK] USA presidential contender Hillary Clinton’s proposed plan to overhaul capital gains taxes aims to foster long-term growth by taxing some short-term investments at higher rates, an aide for her campaign said on Monday.

Clinton also has appeared at fundraisers held by Doug Teitelbaum, founder of investment firm Homewood Capital, and Lisa Perry, whose husband, Richard, is a top hedge fund executive.

Clinton acknowledged that relationship in a speech last week, giving a nod to the what she deemed the financial industry’s positive role in the economy. “I would not raise it above what it was during the Clinton administration”.

Clinton responded to McConnell’s comments during herFacebook Q&A, “Wow”.

She pointed to an economic speech at The New School, a university in New York City, last week, during which she decried the short-term thinking of some corporations. It’s well-established that Chelsea Clinton is her mother’s biggest booster.

But efforts to gain comprehensive reform – securing the border and finding a pathway to legalization for the estimated 11 million immigrants already unlawfully in the country – have divided Republicans too deeply for even fellow presidential hopefuls to touch it until he brought it up.

She said she also would “appoint and empower tough, independent-minded regulators” and give them resources to do their jobs.

Ms Clinton’s proposal comes as part of her plan to fight what she sees as an excessive focus on quick profits in capital markets.

And she said that when firms are forced to pay fines for wrongdoing, those amounts should come out of the bonus checks that go to their executives.

Trump, on the other hand, is pulling Republicans far off message, and his offensive comments about Mexican immigrants threaten to aggravate the GOP’s large deficit among Hispanic voters.

She said she loves Dickson Street in Fayetteville, Arkansas. And she posted an image of Saturday Night Live’s Kate McKinnon playing Clinton. It’s a daily challenge. But in the world of Democratic primary politics, there is evidently a political case that makes sense, at least one that makes sense to Team Clinton.


Since leaving the State Department in 2013, Clinton spent most of her time keeping the press – and questions in general – at arm’s length. People reported she sat in the front row. If Hillary Clinton’s capital gains tax plans become reality, it could make Fool-worthy long term investing even more attractive.

Hillary Rodham Clinton