
Trump says he won’t release tax returns because of audits

“A lot of super wealthy individuals, and all large companies, are audited every year”, Bankman said Thursday night. It is up to an individual whether to disclose his or her tax return – to the public, to a lender or to anyone else who wants to see it. And he has mocked Romney for struggling in explaining his own tax returns in 2012.


If Trump doesn’t want to release his tax returns – which, let’s be honest, is probably a fair assumption – the good news is that there’s no way of knowing how long this will take.

Still more on not releasing his taxes: Trump claimed that 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney did not release his returns until September 21, 2012. “There haven’t been announcements from the recipients of the organizations, you know”.

Still, the media pressure on Clinton and Trump hasn’t come close to what Romney faced.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate and businessman Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at the South Point Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada January 21, 2016.

Trump’s disclosure, which emerged during a contentious GOP debate on Thursday in Houston, Texas, was a departure from prior statements about his tax returns. “While it’s not necessarily routine for somebody to be audited that many years right in a row, given the way he has accrued his wealth and some of the turbulence he’s hit by being such an entrepreneur, I can’t say I’m shocked”.

Christ promised the meek would inherit the earth, but according to the gospel of Trump – they might also be audited by the IRS. “They all relate to each other”, Trump argued. I think there’s something there.

“Mitt Romney looked like a fool when he delayed and delayed and delayed”, Trump said in response.

“Did Mitt Romney just do to Donald Trump on tax returns what he was so mad at Harry Reid for doing to him?” said former Obama political adviser and current CNN commentator Dan Pfeiffer on Twitter.

Trump’s claims have created a bit of controversy as to how the publication of his tax returns should be handled.

Immediately following the GOP debate, Trump told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that he thought he might be being audited because of his religious beliefs.

Recommended: What do you know about Donald Trump? . He said that Trump’s “socialized medicine” could lead to rationing that would deny elderly people knee replacements and hip replacements. The IRSs normal statute of limitations for an audit is three years — though that time frame is extended in instances of substantial underreporting and there is no time limit on reviews in the event of fraud. He was responding to a question about the replacement a President Trump might appoint to replace the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservative icon: “I have a doubt about whether Donald Trump, if he becomes president, will replace Justice Scalia with someone like Justice Scalia”.


With both Ted Cruz and Rubio having pledged to release their own returns – an invariably unpleasant rite of passage for every major party nominee since 1976 – Trump will soon stand alone among the major Republican candidates in having not yet produced them.

Failed Presidential Candidate Romney Says Trump Hiding “Bombshell” In His Taxes