
Young Men Killed ‘Execution-Style’ in Indiana House

Authorities are investigating the triple homicides after the bodies of 17-year-old Muhannad Adam Tairab, 20-year-old Adam Kamel Mekki, and 23-year-old Mohamedtaha Omar were discovered Wednesday, CNN reports. There was no adult supervision. “We don’t believe that’s the case at all”, York said.


Rusty York, the city’s public safety director, told WPTA-TV that investigators do not think the killing was motivated by the victims’ religious affiliation.

“Everybody is shocked and devastated”, said Mahdi Nouk, president of Zaghawa People’s Association of United States of America, an organization that celebrates the cultures of Western Sudan and East Chad. It did not specify whether they were shot once or multiple times.

He said: “I need someone to come and tell me what they know”.

York said the killings probably occurred “within an hour” because a group of people left the home only to return shortly after and discover the grisly scene. Once inside the two-story home responding officers found the three unresponsive male victims on the ground-floor level of the home, according to Michael Joyner, police spokesman. “We can not let this happen in our community anymore”. Hamilton said it would be hard for one person to carry out three killings at once, leading investigators to suspect that more than one person was involved in the crime. I hope this is the very last incidence this ever happens within our community. “These young people were just starting out their lives, and now, they’ve lost their lives”.

The investigation is continuing by the Fort Wayne Police Department, the Allen County Coroner’s Office and the Allen County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.


Further, NBC affiliate 21Alive reports that young African men would frequent the house due to an “absentee ownership situation”, however, police do not believe the hangout spot is connected to gangs or crime.

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