
Cotton: Kerry ‘Acted Like Pontius Pilate,’ Washed His Hands

They involve revelations over Iran’s past nuclearization efforts and on inspections at the Parchin military base, long a point of contention in the nuclear talks. “And without that information, I don’t see how we can trust the government of Iran”.


Congress has 60 days to evaluate the cope with Iran earlier than voting on it. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., discovered that two secretive aspect offers have been made between Iran and the IAEA as a part of the nuclear settlement reached…

The second deal details “how the IAEA and Iran will resolve outstanding issues on possible military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program”, as indicated by Pompeo, who serves on the House Intelligence Committee.

Cotton, along with House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), and Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kansas) sent a letter to President Barack Obama on Wednesday urging him to publicly disclose the details of the IAEA’s “side agreements”.

“Unless Congress gets the content of those agreements and knows, for example, how the IAEA plans to inspect the Parchin military site, I don’t see how many member of congress can vote for this deal”.

Although Rice claimed that the arrangements between the IAEA and Iran were “no secret”, the firestorm began when Cotton and Pompeo, following a meeting in Vienna Friday with representatives of the IAEA, said officials from the watchdog group had told them the agreements would remain secret.

Meanwhile, under federal law, the administration can’t waive sanctions against Iran until all agreements are submitted, including agreements reached between Iran and the IAEA, and Congress reviews them. “The administration has an obligation under U.S. law to obtain the agreements and submit them to Congress so we can review them on behalf of the American people”. “So there is nothing that we are holding in our possession that we had either any role in crafting or were given to us that has not been given to Congress”. Upon reaching the separate deal with Iran, the IAEA said only that, “Iran and the IAEA agreed on another separate arrangement regarding the issue of Parchin”. Ben Cardin (D-Maryland) during a committee markup meeting on the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran on April 14, 2015.

This time, the bipartisan duo reportedly requested that Kerry provide them any available documents related to the IAEA-Iran agreements.

“I was incredibly surprised to learn there were components of the deal that Congress was not going to be privy to”, Pompeo said.


“We’re satisfied with them and we will share the contents of those briefings in full in a classified session with the Congress”, Rice said.

Tom Cotton