
Sanders Supports $15 Per Hour Federal Minimum Wage

Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., right, joins federal contract workers to speak during a rally on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, to push for a raise to the minimum wage to $1…


The proposal would nearly double the current minimum wage in just five years. Even the most die-hard of labor advocates probably wouldn’t endorse a $50-an-hour minimum, because they know such a wage floor would price pretty much all low-skilled laborers out of a job. “We hope to have tens of thousands of people coming together to determine how they can develop movements in their local community”. Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco now have a $15 minimum wage.

Nevertheless, Americans for the most part overwhelmingly support raising the minimum wage.

In Arkansas, the median hourly wage is $14.01.

State and cities are acting on their own. “The days of $9- to $10-an-hour are over, for sure”, Tsedeye Gebreselassie, a senior staff attorney at the National Employment Law Project, which supports minimum wage increases, told CNN Money.

Sanders had a bar mitzvah and was raised in a “large Jewish community full of striving middle-class Jews who wanted to get up through the education system”, said Alan Abbey, director of Internet and media for the Jerusalem-based Shalom Hartman Institute.

The economics of their employment hasn’t changed since the beginning of the year, only the political leadership of the institution. Corporate bosses accustomed to getting their way may soon find they’re losing power in ways that affect the rules their companies must abide by and even their firms’ profitability. It is the living embodiment of the left’s hubris in the face of economics. The CEO-to-worker gap today isn’t the highest ever (in 2007 it was 345-to-1) but it has exploded since 1978, the point at which income inequality in the United States generally started to worsen. It also disregarded suggestions that it’s bad policy to boost wages in one part of one industry, while ignoring all other sectors.

Two months ahead of his first trip to the U.S., Pope Francis’ approval rating among Americans has plummeted, driven mostly by a decline among political conservatives and Roman Catholics, according to a new… Twenty-six states already enacted minimum wage increases.

It is not likely that Candidate Sanders will become President Sanders.

Who is this Democrat presidential candidate taking the country by storm, attracting such crowds as the 10,000 people who turned out to see him recently in Wisconsin?

“Sanders has been relatively quiet as a senator on Israel issues”, Tevi Troy, who served as the White House liaison to the Jewish community under president George W. Bush, told “Compared to Hillary Clinton, Sanders has been consistent in his role as a backbencher on Israel, while Hillary has gone back and forth a bit”.

Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley and a host of other well-intentioned liberals want to hike the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. Sanders would also reduce the tax deductibility of some forms of executive compensation, which in practice would lower CEO pay. He attracted thousands of supporters in Arizona and Texas at recent rallies. Marco Rubio’s tax plan “a sure budget-busting giveaway to the super-wealthy”. Rather than addressing Washington’s incentives that create “too-big-to fail” banks, Sanders would take a regulatory sledgehammer to Wall Street and add additional layers of bureaucratic oversight.


“That is a starvation wage”, Sanders said of the federal minimum at an AFL-CIO event in New Hampshire in May. The future arrived faster than expected.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vt. speaks to reporters after speaking to federal contract workers at a rally on Capitol Hill in Washington Wednesday