
Trump disavows support of former KKK leader

The same polls puts Hillary Clinton comfortably clear of Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, putting them on 55-38 respectively.


The Associated Press surveyed some of America’s Republican governors and senators, and looked at their public statements about Trump. “How are we going to grow the party if we nominate someone who doesn’t repudiate the Ku Klux Klan?” Mr Trump told host Jake Tapper. “He’s always calling me “Little Marco” and I’ll admit, he’s taller than me – he’s like 6’2″ which is why I don’t understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5’2″.

A Trump spokeswoman didn’t immediately return a request for comment. I know, I know, it’s insane. Even Donald doesn’t know what he would do.

Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney also chimed in on Monday.

Trump’s support has surged in the last 30 days. These delegates will be distributed proportionally, but Clinton’s leads are so large, it could still represent a very large advantage over Sanders. Marco Rubio continued to criticise Trump’s character and lack of policy specifics in a series of attacks Sunday while courting voters across the South, whose states dominate Tuesday’s voting. Galston said: “If Rubio is hovering around 20 percent, I would send him there”. Several other party officials have said they would back the real estate mogul if he does become the nominee, though some say their support would be reluctant.

While Trump expects to savor a night of triumph, his top rivals, Rubio and Texas Sen. However that state is Texas, the biggest prize on Super Tuesday, where home-state Senator Ted Cruz is hoping for a big win. According to CBSNews the Republicans have an opportunity to win about half of the 1,237 delegates needed for the nomination.

Thirteen states, comprised of Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia. But, as the delegates to the Republican and Democrat national conventions will be awarded on a proportional basis, some of those non-Trump, non-Clinton candidates may collect delegates.

Cruz built his campaign on the idea of sweeping Super Tuesday, but Trump’s momentum and appeal with social conservatives and evangelicals threatens to smash his Southern firewall. This is one of those rare instances where I actually empathize with the Republican party, as the reality of a Trump nomination heading into November is pretty terrifying.


She has also started taking on Trump, saying there’s no need to “Make American Great Again”, as Trump proclaims. And it played into former candidate Chris Christie’s endorsement of the erstwhile reality star he had once billed as unfit for the presidency. In a letter posted on Facebook late Sunday, Sasse urged Republicans to consider whether a party led by Trump would still represent their interests.

Clinton Trump