
Obama orders flags to half mast at White House for Chattanooga victims

Five days after the shooting in Chattanooga, President Barack Obama has ordered that flags be flown half-staff at the White House, public buildings, military posts and embassies in honor of the lives lost in the Chattanooga shooting.


On Tuesday, Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, ordered flags at the U.S. Capitol to be flown at half staff following last week’s shooting.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Monday he thinks the president could comment on whether he’ll order flags to half-staff during a speech Tuesday in Pittsburgh. Thornberry is the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

The shooting that occurred in Chattanooga earlier this month lead to the death of four marines and one U.S Navy sailor.

Navy Petty Officer Second Class Randall Smith died from his wounds on July 18 at a Tennessee hospital. You can not divide us.

The Tennessee shooter had spent several months in Jordan past year, and a Jordanian government official said Tuesday that some of Abdulazeez’ relatives in Jordan were being questioned as part of an investigation into his stay in the kingdom.

The recent massacre of USA service personnel at Chattanooga and the USA administrations reaction, or lack of it, has prompted former U.S. Marine veteran Mike “Shep” Shepard to question why USA flags have not been lowered as a mark of respect to the deceased.

“President Obama should do the right thing to honor these fallen Americans by ordering the American flag be lowered”.


Trump’s campaign said in a news release that the Republican presidential candidate has “long been a supporter of our military” and the country’s veterans. The message that he is just one man while we are the voice of America.

US Capitol flags lowered in memory of Tennessee victims - FOX13 News, WHBQ FOX