
Carcassonne is the latest addition to the Xbox One backward compatibility list

As an added bonus, Supreme Commander 2 is also playable on Xbox One via the console’s backwards compatibility functionality.


Reports also say that one of the most popular titles on Xbox One backwards compatibility program is tipped to be released at the end of February. A strategic board game, Carcassonne is now available to play on Xbox One and is available on the Xbox 360 marketplace or store for $9.99.

However, another game Dark Souls is said to be a part of the pre-order for those who are buying Dark Souls 3 on Xbox One, while gamers who bought the game earlier will be getting a free copy.

The game can be played in single-player mode or on Xbox Live for up to five players online, or local multiplayer for up to four players. The titles, Hand of Fate and Styx, Master of Shadows, will replace the current titles, Thief, Killer Instinct, and Zheroes.

The game became available over the weekend, shortly after last week’s announcement of back compatibility for Geometry Wars.

Right now, the company is urging gamers to cast their votes on game titles that they would want to see added on the list. Currently, on the list is Deus Ex: Human Revolution, which will be available until January 31.

Xbox 360 fans can look forward to Supreme Commander 2 arriving from March 1 to 15 and Borderlands from March 16 to 31. Deals With Gold offers awesome deals on games, add-ons and more.

The Games With Gold program was started by Microsoft to spotlight older games on the Xbox One.


It is now becoming a tradition for Microsoft to expand its backwards compatibility program every month. A number of other updates have also been added, including increasing the amount of time for “Xbox, record that” clips.

Carcassonne is the latest addition to the Xbox One backward compatibility list