
Oscars get 34.3 million viewers, lowest rating since 2008

Chris Rock is responsible for one of the most brilliantly uncomfortable things that’s ever happened at the Academy Awards.


“If anybody’s upset about that joke, just tweet about it on your phone that was also made by these kids”, Rock said, apparently making a child labor joke.

When asked about his emotions regarding the win, the 41-year-old star said he felt grateful not only for the award but also for getting a chance to share his thoughts on the current environmental crisis. We had real things to protest; you know, we’re too busy being raped and lynched to care about who won best cinematographer. If they nominated hosts, I wouldn’t even be here right now.

Celebrated filmmaker Spike Lee and actors Will and Jada Pinkett Smith among others boycotted the event on Sunday in protest of the lack of nomination for black actors. CBS’s Grammy Awards, which claimed 25 million viewers on February 15, hit a seven-year low.

On the other hand, he intentionally stepped on a lot of toes by calling Hollywood “racist”.

“He’s got to answer, where’s he going to put his second Oscar?”. “You often hear that Hollywood is out of touch with the rest of the country, so I made a decision to get out of Hollywood and talk to regular people about the movies”, he said.

During his 10 minute opening monologue he tackled the heavy issue of “racism in Hollywood” equating it to a sorority. ‘Give black actors the same opportunities as white actors’. Some people call it “Creed.’ I call it ‘Black Rocky.’ And that’s a big, that’s an unbelievable statement”. Hassan said the skit, which he calls a “low blow for Asian Americans”, seemed to undermine Rock’s messages about diversity.

The ceremony’s producers kept hammering the diversity issue throughout the early part of the telecast.

The guy replied: “It’s about giving blacks a chance to win”.

Speaking backstage at the glitzy ceremony, he said: “We always strive for the best in what we do, but this year in particular, I’ve been overwhelmed with, you know, such support, really, truly, by so many fans and so many people in the industry”.


The academy clearly aimed for diversity in its choice of presenters and performers, about one-third of whom are people of color. Actor-comedian Hart joked on Twitter that academy voters are “Straight Out of Touch”.

Fewer People Watched this Year's Oscars Telecast