
Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump cemented as 2016 leaders; GOP desperate

Republican voters in Texas delivered big for Ted Cruz, helping prevent a Super Tuesday rout by real estate mogul Donald Trump, who was headed for victory in a majority of the 13 states voting in the biggest day of the race so far in the GOP presidential nomination.


Trump’s Super Tuesday wins are stoking fear in the Republican establishment who question whether his nomination will keep them out of the White House.

But how did it all go down? The Texas senator was able to rack up more delegates thanks to the fact that the Super Tuesday states awarded delegates proportionally.

Other early exit poll results indicated that Republican primary voters are split on their ideal candidate’s background: 50 percent said they want the next president to come from outside the establishment, and 40 percent said they wanted someone with political experience.

“Instead of building walls, we’re going to break down barriers and build ladders of opportunity and empowerment so every American can live up to his or her potential”, Clinton said, in an implicit attack on Trump’s calls to build a wall on the southern border of the United States to combat illegal immigration.

Sanders now trails Clinton by more than 600 delegates, casting substantial doubt on the possibility he can can overtake her by the time of the party’s convention in July. Kasich has been widely regarded as campaigning for a vice-presidential offer at this point, although he continues to suggest he could be the unity candidate against Trump. Sanders had at least 373. He may not be the Democratic frontrunner, but he’s a close second, much closer to a nomination than either Rubio or Cruz.

There is the potential for Clinton to lag Sanders in preference poll votes Tuesday and yet be apportioned more delegates. It takes 2,383 Democratic delegates to win. “We are not going to allow billionaires and the superPACs to destroy American democracy”.

Minnesota stood alone on the Super Tuesday map, handing Florida Sen.

Rubio looked ahead to his home state of Florida, which votes March 15.

“And you need them to beat Donald Trump”, Rose said. Bernie Sanders, won four states: his home state of Vermont, as well as Colorado, Minnesota and Oklahoma.

Trump won Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia, while Clinton won Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.

With results still coming in, Trump had won at least 192 delegates Tuesday, while Cruz picked up at least 132. Marco Rubio, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson – should “prayerfully consider” abandoning their own campaigns to unite behind him.

GENERALLY SPEAKING: Watch how front-runners Clinton and Trump position themselves going forward. Marco Rubio is a long shot to squeeze out his debut victory of the campaign after ditching his previously elevated and aspirational campaign to wage a bitter and personal war of words with Trump.


“I could not in good conscience vote for Trump under any circumstance”, said Blake Lichty, 33, a Republican who worked in the George W. Bush administration and now lives near Atlanta.

Clinton Trump Nev SC victories