
Make green eggs and ham for Dr. Seuss’ birthday

Happy (would-be) 112th birthday Theodor Seuss Geisel!


Read Across America Week, a project of the National Education Association, had local kindergartners getting immersed in Dr. Seuss’ creations Monday morning, along with getting some help in making their own headwear in the style of “The Cat in the Hat”. Geisel wrote under the pen name Dr. Seuss, and his beloved children’s books continue to inspire kids as well as adults.

His first book, “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street”, was published 10 years later – after 27 rejections.

Green dye is the obvious way to give your eggs a green hue.

The Literacy Cooperative of Greater Cleveland is asking Northeast Ohio residents to join in and spread the word about Read Across America Day, by snapping a picture while reading a book and posting it to social media using the hashtag #NEOReads.

“We look forward to seeing the creative ways our schools and students celebrate Read Across America every year”, said Superintendent Shay Mikalson. – School-wide assembly, pajama day and Dr. Seuss read aloud and art activity; March 9, 5 to 6:30 p.m.


A slate of actors and actress will take part in an event at Lindbergh Elementary School in Lynwood.

Theodore Geisel the famed author and illustrator Dr. Seuss