
Candidates gear up for Super Tuesday

The contests come at a turbulent moment for Republicans as they grapple with the prospect of Trump becoming the party’s nominee.


On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton tops Bernie Sanders 55 percent to 38 percent in the new poll, a slightly wider margin than she held in late January before any primaries or caucuses were held.

Signaling her growing confidence, Clinton has increasingly turned her attention to Trump in recent days, casting herself as a civil alternative to the insults and bullying that have consumed the Republican race.

In 2012, Rubio’s most lucrative year, his effective tax rate topped out at a little more than 31 percent.

A total of 595 Republican delegates are up for grabs of the 1,237 needed to clinch the GOP nomination.

“So when you say he’s going to do what needs to be done, what exactly are you talking about?”

The billionaire is, however, struggling to shake off a controversy after he failed to disavow former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday.

With hundreds of delegates at stake in Tuesday’s contests, the day could be a critical turning point for candidates in both parties.

The freshman senator from Florida set the tone early and delivered the quote of the night when he attacked the source of the billionaire businessman’s wealth: “If he hadn’t inherited $200 million, you know where Donald Trump would be right now?” In his home state of Texas, which holds its Republican primary on Tuesday, Cruz tops Trump by approximately 7 points, 34 to 26.8 percent.

Trump mocked the Republican establishment and his flailing rivals.

Rubio is fighting for a second spot with Cruz in the Republican presidential primary.

According to the Super Tuesday exit polls, Democratic voters were more likely to want a continuation of Obama’s policies than switch to more liberal policies in eight of nine states where surveys were conducted.

Asked about the issue on Monday, Trump told NBC he had disavowed Duke and asked, “How many times do I have to continue to disavow people”.

Cruz noted that ABC News had been one of the media outlets to report Trump has done business with S&A Concrete to build Trump Tower in Manhattan. And Republican primary voters deserve to know before the nomination, not after. Galston said: “If Rubio is hovering around 20 percent, I would send him there”.

Donald Trump will be the nominee for the Republican Party and he has already made some demeaning statements against Mexicans and Muslims. “He goes there. And before he sits down, he starts running for president”.


Sanders, expecting defeat on Saturday, left the state before voting finished and turned his attention to states outside the South that vote in next Tuesday’s contests.

Florida senator Marco Rubio is now the last remaining hope of his party's establishment but he is very unlikely to win