
Sen. Lindsey Graham posts humorous video in response to Trump

“Most of the people who have called me about it are irate”.


He added: “You’re with Telemundo and Telemundo should be ashamed”. The country has to fight back. “Our country is in big trouble, and I know how to turn it around”. We can’t allow that, Anderson.

COOPER: As president, you would change your tone?

Set the phone on fire is one way Sen.

“Somebody in Congress, would you give out their phone number?”

At the Capitol in Washington on Wednesday, Graham was chatting on his flip phone as he rode an elevator.

Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates are taking a stand against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and are standing up for Trump’s recent target: Arizona Senator John McCain. His precise fortune isn’t pinpointed, but the disclosures underscore his financial potential staying power in the race and his freedom from the influence — or muzzles — of the deep-pocketed Republicans who bankroll rival campaigns.

Graham said on Tuesday that his phone rang nonstop after Trump gave out his number.

The Post said most of the participants were interviewed before Trump laid into McCain, after which his popularity dropped significantly among those questioned. Lindsey Graham appears to have a sense of humor. Trump will address the media at the border, while press were also invited to await his arrival at the airport and attend his later address.

The plan signaled no backing down – indeed, a possible further escalation – in Trump’s feud with presidential rivals and other figures in the party.

Walker, campaigning in Tennessee, said he used to run track and “I realized there were some folks sprinting out ahead”.

TRUMP: I was hit by somebody unfairly. “I would deal very differently”.

“A Republican will never be elected president of the United States again unless we campaign like this”, Bush said, gesturing with open arms.

Trump’s trip is off to a rocky start even before his plane touches down.

That was after Perry denounced Trump’s campaign as a “cancer on conservatism” and a “barking carnival act” in a speech that defined “Trumpism” as “a toxic mix of demagoguery, mean-spiritedness and nonsense that will lead the Republican Party to perdition if pursued”. Then he starts hitting me years later.

TRUMP: I think so. “People can see through the glasses”.

Ben Carson, another of the 16 Republicans seeking the presidency, said there was too much focus on Trump.

“The bottom line is, I think the criteria in July of 2015 makes no sense”. “Everywhere I go, hard-working patriotic Americans – not “crazies” or “wacko birds’ – ask me to pass on to Mr. Trump encouragement to keep educating the masses about true ramifications of illegal immigration, and in general the real state of our union”.


In June, Trump drew heavy backlash when he made incendiary statements claiming that those coming from Mexico into the US are rapists and criminals. They are being silenced, and are very unhappy about it, as told directly to Mr. Trump. This week, he similarly criticized rival GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush after heaping insults on other Republican candidates, suggesting that former Texas Gov. Rick Perry needs an IQ test and saying that South Carolina Sen.

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump under fir for referring to Mexican immigrants as'rapists, pays a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border