
Wonderful rescue of trapped motorcyclist in Dallas

A motorcyclist was trapped under a vehicle after a collision near the intersection of Greenville Avenue and Bryan Parkway on July 9.


Dash camera video released by Dallas Police shows the group of witnesses, officers and firefighters swarming to one side of the auto to lift it with their own strength.

Several witnesses rushed in to help and within 30 seconds, Dallas police were on the scene.

The low hanging under carriage of the vehicle kept her from moving.

The woman was taken to a hospital, but according to KTVT-TV she did not suffer any injuries.

“Records indicate that Engine and Rescue 8 were the responding units, but whoever was involved in lifting the auto must have been pretty humble about it”, he says via email.

The police officers tried to use a jack to lift up the auto and relieve the pressure on the woman, but it didn’t work.

The man driving the vehicle will not have any charges filed against him by police, however, he was ticketed at the scene for driving without a license, Cordova said.

The officers who saved her life spoke at Dallas Police Headquarters Thursday. When that failed, the first responders and bystanders decided to combine their muscle-power and lift the vehicle off the woman. Her attorney has corroborated this in a statement sent to the media today: “She can not provide an interview as her injuries are serious and exhausting”.

“My client is grateful and thankful for the excellent service provided by the Dallas Police Officers and Firefighters that saved her life”.

More often than not, when the Dallas Police Department posts a video its because detectives are looking for bad guys – ATM thieves, armed robbers and others populating our particular hive of scum and villainy.


Police say the driver of the sedan was at fault in the crash.

Dallas Police Firefighters Witnesses Join Together to Lift Car Free Trapped Motorcyclis